multiSpec 4C processing in fields

I have a multiSpec 4C camera which seems to be a Parrot Sequoia predecessor back in 2014-2015. This was designed for flying multispectral missions with ebee, senesefly back then and Airinov was somehow involved in the workflow.

The beauty of my multiSpec 4C is that it is calibrated to capture 531 nm and 570 nm which enable calculation of PRI index. The label on the camera says NDVI PRI.

Now my question is if I can process imagery in Pix4Dfields?
A few years ago it was not possible. Cannot remember what was the reaso back then.
Has it been improved?
Otherwise what software would you suggest to process the data - just stitch as I can use e.g. Qgis to calculate indices etc.
Other than that - will the stitched orthophoto workin fields?



It depends on the EXIF tags of the images if you can use PIX4Dfields to process them.

Please zip 10 images so we have a look

Hi Jose,

Thanks for your message.

I have not flown this camera for a while but found some datasets in our archive. Please find them enclosed. Am not sure whether they were taken with PRI version or standard multiSpec 4C capturing bands as those known from Parrot Sequoia. I believe this does not really matter.

Thanks for your help and looking forward to hearing from you.


Pawel Wrzesinski

AGRI-GROW Sp.z o.o.

ul. Cicha 16

86-014 Osowiec


tel. +48 601 650 615

(attachments) (3.11 MB) (2.96 MB)

Thank you for the images. It seems that the images don’t have the required EXIF information to process in any Pix4D software. We can’t help you further. You should contact the manufacturer


Thanks for your help.

What information is missing in the exif files?
Will Pix4D mapper not process the images either?

No, PIX4Dmapper will not process it either.
The camera model name, the GPS coordinates (maybe you have them on a text file), and other missing tags.


text file - is this (in attachment) what you mean or provides GPS coordinates?




multiSPEC_log.txt (225 KB)

No, it is not the one you shared. Did you use PPK?
Please first clarify with the manufacturer of the drone and camera the latest firmware you might need. Checking an old dataset is not ideal.

sorry for bothering you again.
I have checked pictures with exif reader and it seems that they are geotagged. Please see:


They are geotagged, but they are missing the tags that Pix4D requires.