Measuring the height of an object


Im looking to measure the height of an object, like the end of a light pole? Is there an easy way to do this, vs creating a polyline and trying to eyeball it to be as straight as possible?

Thank you

Yes, you can draw a polyline:

That you can also correct/edit on the images where the 2 edges of the light pole may be visible:

I hope it helps :slight_smile:

Thank you for the reply. My issue with a polyline is that Im looking to measure the distance from an overhanging object to the ground. I can see the overhanging object in the images but I don’t know where the point is such that it is directly underneath the object. So a polyline I make may not be perpendicular to the ground. Any soution to this?

If you cannot see the object in 3D (point cloud) or in the images, then, indeed, you cannot “draw accurately” the polyline. I am sorry I cannot further help :frowning:
Maybe other customers have a solution to share.