Matching the project to the GCP in the oblique project

Hi, I would like to ask how to fit a project containing oblique photos into GCP points. I use photos taken with Mavic 3 Enterprise RTK. In the case of using only nadir photos, there is no problem. Even if after calibration the control points do not match, using even one GCP point fits the project into the GCP point system and everything matches (including the remaining checkpoints). However, if in addition to nadir photos the project also contains oblique photos, the program does not fit the system to the GCP points. The errors are not large (up to 10 cm) but I would like the project to match the height of the GCP point if I set such a GCP point.

The only solution I found is to offset the position of all photos (e.g. -0.05 m). But I don’t think that’s normally the correct way.

Are you receivng corrections for your M3E?
Are you using check points or just GCPs? You should always use check points and GCPs.

If you are receiving corrections, then use the Trusted Location and Orientation option in Calibration.

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