Hello Ladies and Gents,
I have made a few attempts to do a 3d terrain map using images taken with the Phantom 3 pro but I am getting verry poor results. Is anyone able to obtain decent results by manually flying the Phantom 3 pro? If so please propvide as much detail as possible about how to do it. I have the camera pointing straight down and keep the same altitude. When I import the images to pix4d the camera is not fully recognised. Does any of you manually configure the camera setting in pix4d for the phantom 3? Also is there a way to do a 3d map of terrain from a video taken by the phantom 3 instead of still images. Thank you! 
Hi Ben,
Have you checked out this Pix4d Webinar: Merging Terrestrial and Aerial Images in One Project.
I’ve been able to produce good looking 3d models but this depends on many issues such as flight path, overlap, sensor, time of day etc.
https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/202557459: Please also read this article to help with your first question on how to better plan your flights.
Hi Ben,
definitely if you trying to fly manually you will get a poor result, even with the grid I notice if I use the grid but set two mission one with the camera at 45d and the other mission with the camera at 90d and flying the drone at different elevation I have an amazing result good luck with your projects