Longest Flight Time

Just for fun, what is the longest time you have flown your drone for mapping applications without landing to change batteries?

Pix4D Support won’t join the discussion, so please comment on an existing post, create your own post, or submit a technical support request if you have a question.

Custom Pixhawk fixed wing - 66 minutes

eBee standard - ~45 minutes

Phantom4P - ~28 minutes 

All landed above 20%, normally aim for 30%.  


For the last 2 or 3 years, flight time/battery life has almost zero impact on purchase choices, as long as they’re above the ~20 minute range.  

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Hey Derrick, thanks for sharing.

I won’t comment further to avoid cluttering the thread but don’t hesitate to jump back in if your numbers change.

I definitely don’t think I’ll be in the running for any endurance records.  I’m obnoxious with the “better safe than sorry” philosophy when it comes to battery life and not pushing the limits during flight. 

I like seeing the numbers from people that are covering huge areas of land in countries that don’t have a 400ft altitude limits on UAS, though.  

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