I’ve looked here and the internet in general and can’t find a clear answer, closest is for Pix4Dmapper - Step 1. Before Starting a Project > 1. Designing the Image Acquisition Plan > a. Selecting the Image Acquisition Plan Type - PIX4Dmapper, and much of the info I find is old.
I’m about to start a 5 mile long roadway project that I need to fly regularly to show progress. Between VLOS and battery swap issues, I’ll need to break it up into multiple flights. Will be using a Mavic 3E RTK, and would prefer to fly with Pilot 2 over Pix4Dcapture Pro.
As long as I fly the segments/missions at the same time one after another (to get them all same day/time/conditions), with the same height/GSD and overlaps, would I just drop all of the photos into Pix4Dmatic as one project, or should I process all the flights separately and then merge the projects into one? Most of the corridor will be flown as linear mission, but there’s also a large interchange perpendicular to the main corridor that would probably be a single grid. I would set the grid direction and overlap settings the same as the linear missions. I know I need to plan for some overlap of the segments for processing purposes.
Also, do I need to do anything with the RINEX files the drone saves to the flight folders, or are those just for PPK in other software if needed?