Keeping zoning levels after creating the application map

In the last step of creating an application map from a vegetation index, you can choose the distribution of the zones. I would like to keep it on “same intervals” but I would like to adjust the endpoints of the lowest and highest zones closer to the histogram. Looks like this:

However when I create the application it switches back to the default setting and creates different zones (would like to insert a screenshot here, but I can’t since it’s my first post here).

Workaround is to note the intervals of the zones and type them into the custom intervals setting, but thats unnecessarily time consuming.

This is what the zones look like after creating the application

Hi, I just tried reproducing it, and it works on my end.

Are you on PI4Dfields 2.8.3?
You should not change any parameter on the left-hand side menu as it will impact the statistics.

If problem persists please share a screen recording.


just upgraded to 2.8.4 and it still doesnt work.
Here is a screen recording:

THank you for the video, we will investigate and get back to you.

Could you please share the PIX4Dfields project with us? Go to Export, project and upload to Community_ZonationProblem - Google Drive

Have uploaded the files.
Had the problem also with other similar projects.

REceived, thank you. Is there any reason why you set such big cells? I tried and using a normal 5-10 mts cell size the operation works well.

Ok, I will try that. I use 36m cells because it’s the tramline width on the farm and the machinery can’t apply product on a smaller scale anyway.

I did a bunch of testing:

  1. 8m grid - didnt work
  2. 5m grid - worked
  3. 10m grid - worked
  4. 10m grid with rotation of the grid to match the tramlines - didnt work
  5. 36m grid without rotation - didnt work
  6. 36m grid with rotation - didnt work
  7. 35m grid (multiple of 5) - didnt work
  8. 30m grid (multiple of 10) - didnt work

I really tried my best to pinpoint the problem. Even created a new project from the same images for these tests, because the original project was created on an older version of Pix4DFields. I have no clue why I got it to work as intended on two occasions but couldn’t replicate it. There shouldn’t be a reason that it only works on certain grid sizes.

I’m using a M2 MBA with MacOS 14.5 and Pix4DFields 2.8.4 if that helps

Thank you for your extensive testing, we have found a bug and we are working on fixing it.

We hope you can use 10mts grid for now.