Hello, I’m new to Pix4Dsurvey, i use it to generate 3D models of bridges and retaing walls. I’d like to know if it’s possible to generate an orthophoto of a vertical surface as on the drawing below.
Thank you for your answers,
Hello, I’m new to Pix4Dsurvey, i use it to generate 3D models of bridges and retaing walls. I’d like to know if it’s possible to generate an orthophoto of a vertical surface as on the drawing below.
Thank you for your request, I have replied to you in the PIX4Dmatic thread:
If you want to use PIX4Dsurvey, depending on how you would like to use the orthophoto, you can use the suggestion shared in this post:
Hi @louis.cossart ,
I noticed that you asked about the option to generate an orthophoto in PIX4Dsurvey a year ago and I thought it could be useful to share here that that feature is already available in PIX4Dmatic, in case you want to consider using it as part of your workflow.
Best regards,