Hello, I am still a Discovery user. Can’t quite make it work yet. Otherwise I would’ve been on a pro license.
So I come here for an advice.
I was shooting an empty interior office concrete shell (with some trash around). Hoping to get an interior model.
Beforehand, I did read articles on it and watched the seminal but still failed miserably to produce a usable model. So I’m hoping to pick up some interior image acquisition tips here.
So here is what I did: I walked around the rooms with GoPro Hero 3. Every 1 meter or so I shoot an image pointing at nearby walls (1.5 to 2 meter away). One round pointing 45 degree up to get ceiling and one round pointing down to get floor.
The result: half of the images did not calibrate and the model was incomplete.
I noticed that the images that were shot against bright windows left the interior way too dark. So these images did not register. Then walking through a door almost certainly was losing the chain of connected images. Another one, was shooting a narrow corridor. the end of it gotten really distorted because I was walking along the corridor and shooting straight. So there were little triangulation distance for the end of the corridor. Then I walk to the end of the corridor and turn around the connection was lost too.
So, Here are the ideas I will try for the next attempt:
- Shoot with a strong projector. I’ll get a strong handheld projector and will mount my gopro on it. So even if there is light coming from the window - the projector will overpower it - giving me rich detail. This will also help to increase shutter speed for crisper images.
- Shoot at dusk or at night so outside lighting interferes even less.
- When going through a doorway - shoot at the floor as it is continuous. That may provide a connection from room to room. Shoot double the rate at the doorways.
- never rotate the go pro more then 30 degrees at a time. When changing direction , especially in narrow corridors, small transition angles will provide continuity. (I know not to keep the camera in the same location while rotating)
- Never point straight in the direction of walking. Shoot sideways. Especially in narrow corridors. Pointing straight )) is pointless.
Please, continue the list. Hopefully it will lead to some useful interior models