Installer's filename


I notice very very tiny things.
Filename, downloaded as windows installer (*.mis) , is “Pix4Dsurvey-1.25.0”.(Mac version , *.dmg , is same.)

Pix4D’s product reblanded “PIX4Dxxxx” , isn’t it ?

Best Regards.
Seiichi Takayama

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Hi @seiichi_takayama,

Thank you for your feedback. You’re right, after the rebranding the products’ names are PIX4Dproduct.
I forwarded your comment to the PIX4Dsurvey team and they are now aware of this.

have a great day,

Hi, @Daniele_Lecci

Thank you.
And PIX4Dmatic, too.

Best regards.
Seiichi Takayama

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Thank you for your feedback, @seiichi_takayama.

Yes, this applies to all products.
The product teams are informed ;).

Have a great day.