Could someone please decipher following errors in my Initial Processing log output:
[Warning]: No path from reference camera to 1646
[Warning]: No path from reference camera to 1906
[Processing]: Calibrate
[Processing]: Filtering
[Error]: [BundleGeneric][minimize] no projections errors ! aborting.
[Error]: Error in bundle adjustment
[Error]: [BundleGeneric][minimize] no projections errors ! aborting.
[Error]: Error in bundle adjustment
[Processing]: Add matches.
[Error]: [BundleGeneric][minimize] no projections errors ! aborting.
I’m having the same issue and waiting for support to get back to me.
Hi Yuri,
The “No path from reference camera to xxxx” warning appears when some cameras cannot be connected to the main calibrated cluster of cameras, followed by the error in bundle adjustment it means that the software filters that camera out since it cannot be added to the bundle. This is often happening when the dataset contains blurry images or you are mapping a very uniform area …
To investigate further please post here the log file and the quality report?
@Haytham I can see that you are in touch with one of my colleagues over a ticket; is that okay for you or you would like to post your results here as well?
Hi Ina,
You can find the log file here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7l8l0f5kb3hoobs/log.txt?dl=0
and quality report here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t0kv8ub1xccmvh8/report.pdf?dl=0
Please let me know if you have any ideas on how to improve the initial processing of this project.
Hi Yuri,
Beside not calibrated camera I could see that you have a shift between the model and the GCPs. Is this present in the RayCloud? Could you give me more details on how did you collect the GCP’s?
Also, I believe that it would be easier if you could share the dataset so I test it on my side. To do so you could upload it to our cloud directly from desktop application. You can find the instructions here.
Hi Ina,
We have collected GCPs using Aeropoints and post-processed them using RINEX files from the RTK station within 30 km of the survey site. This resulted in ~2cm positioning accuracy.
I have uploaded my project to Pix4D cloud: https://cloud.pix4d.com/ag/project/251678?shareToken=e299be4484184c80855a77ef949bbf5e. However, it seems that it was processed with many more errors than on the desktop.
I’d appreciate any help,
Hi Yuri,
The project that you have uploaded consists only in blue band images. Is this your original project or could it be that you have missed the other bands?
Hi Ina,
The project I uploaded to Pix4D cloud consist of 1755 images as individual bands (see: https://cloud.pix4d.com/ag/project/251678/files/inputs), where _01, _02, _03, _04 and _05 suffixes stand for blue, green, red, nir and red edge bands. So essentially there are 351 five-band images in my project. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Hi Yuri,
Sorry for coming back so late.
I have checked your imagery and the issue is that the band name tag is missing in the EXIF of the imagery. If the tag is not present then the software recognize the images as being one band hence the processing does not run accordingly.
Unfortunately with the dataset that you have sent that is nothing I could do to help 
Have you modified the imagery in any way that it could corrupt the information?
Also please make sure you are camera firmware is updated to the latest version. In case you are using the latest version please contact Micasense since they would be more qualify to assist you with this issue.