Import of DXF shows incorrectly in Pix4dSurvey but correctly in Cloud

When I import a dxf file (exported from MicroStation DGN format) the lines all come in correctly into Survey, but text and other data comes in as just point markers. When I import it into Cloud, it comes in correctly. Example is the roadway Station text labels. There are other elements as well that come in as point markers in Survey but not in Cloud.

Survey top Cloud Bottom (board wouldn’t let me attach 2 screenshots)

Hi @scavendish,

Welcome to the Pix4D Community :handshake:.

Can you please double check if the text you see is coming from that specific layer or not?

If you disable the TextBLstation layer in PIX4Dcloud, will the number still be visible?

Can you eventually share with me the link to the PIX4Dcloud project?


Disabling the layer turns off the text.

Same for Survey, except Survey is showing as a pin marker instead of the text. I want the text in Survey too.

here is a link to the project in cloud: PIX4Dcloud

If you want to see the DXF as well, message me with your email and I’ll send it to you.

Hi @scavendish,

Thank you for the link and the DXF file.
I talked with my colleagues of the PIX4Dcloud and PIX4Dsurvey team, and it seems that the two software are working in a different way.


DXF imported as an overlay. The file is imported and rendered “as it is” and cannot be edited. Only visualized.


After the DXF is imported, the elements can be edited, more information can be added, etc.

Also, it seems that another user had a similar request in the “feature request” section. Please go to that thread and “vote” for it, and add a post describing your use case:

Even though we cannot guarantee that a solution will be implemented, I can assure you that every piece of feedback is internally evaluated at Pix4D.

Thanks for the clarification. I posted over on that thread.

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