Wish you all a great day,
Please I have some questions it will help me with project planning using phantom 4 pro:
Project Details:
Area 800 square KM, empty area only sand no special features on the ground, Required 30cm vertical accuracy.
The only required output is: DEM
1- Can I achieve the required accuracy without using GCP.
2- if I have to use the GCP what is the maximum altitude I can fly so I can see the GCP & and achieve the required accuracy.
3- I segmented the area into 800 zones each zone is 1 square km, at the end can I process all the pictures together in one project.
4- which is the best using fast mode or safe mode ?
5- What is the best speed mode fast or normal or slow ?
6- I have another Phantom 4 drone but not a pro version can I use both drones in the same project and process images together?
7- How many GCP do I need to install per zone.
Thank you all for your time.