How to model a structure in a confined space


I am looking for some guidance on the best way to tackle a project this coming weekend. I have been asked to run a case study on modelling a metal structure that is maybe 5m high but it has obstructions that prevent a UAV getting in close from 360 degrees. My initial thoughts were to use the capture app to safely capture as much data as possible from the UAV and then to revert to a handheld camera for those areas that are too tricky to fly into. The next question I have relates to measurements. I wish to model and then measure elements of the structure down to components that are roughly 1", can you assign ground control points to a metal structure or is there another way to obtain this level of accuracy?

I appreciate your support.



From the little bit of info you supplied, 2cm sample distance using this technique maybe very difficult to achieve.

Mixing data capture techniques to achieve best object sampling is almost always a good idea.

You might consider using lidar techniques to achieve sample distance and simplify data capture in this case.