I would like to load a KML file that contains a polygon plus a center line with stations.
What would be the procedure?
Thanks in advance,
I would like to load a KML file that contains a polygon plus a center line with stations.
What would be the procedure?
Thanks in advance,
Hello Antonio,
kml format is not supported in PIX4Dcloud or PIX4Dcloud Advanced.
You want to upload it for visualization purposes or for any other reason?
Thank you very much.
Hi Daniel,
I would like to avoid converting to DXF the big amount of KML files that I have.
The KML is so popular format that it would be great if it can be used in the cloud, isn´t?
Yes, I understand,
But what do you want it for? to be used the same way as the overlays? is it to visualize it on top of the ortho and other results?
Thank you very much.
Hi again.
First of all thank you so much for giving me answer so fast.
I´m looking for use that KML files as much overlays as annotations even on top of the orthos.
I’m currently trialing Pix4D and this would be very beneficial to me as well. All of our CADD is done in MicroStation or ORD (dgn format) and there is a standard practive for the designers to provide KML/KMZ deliverables along with the DGNs. It would be much easier if we could just upload the KML into Pix4d directly to overlay onto the ortho than convert or try to recreate from DNG the correct DXF.
Are there any plans to allow for KML/KMZ import to Pix4DCloud or Pix4DSurvey? Florida DOT does all design in MicroStation or ORD which isn’t a format you import, but the designers are required to provide KMZ files of the design, typically used in Google Earth, but it would be very beneficial if we could import these into Survey or Cloud to overlay onto the Orthos we create. Converting the DGN files to DXF is a workflow that doesn’t always result in a usable output.
Seems like this isn’t in the pipeline for implementation. Disappointing. KML overlays would be very useful.