Generating Updated Point Cloud after Manual Camera Calibration


I’ve been having an issue with some cameras that are uncalibrated. About 95% of the projects photos are able to be automatically calibrated and located, except for 6 problem images. So I went through and added manual tie points and was able to manual calibrate the problem photos. However in, order to regenerate the point cloud, DSM and orthomosiac I have to reprocess the whole project. This seems to ignore the manual camera calibration I did. In the below snip you can see the uncalibrated cameras along with all the manual tie points I added in order to calibrate them. Is there something I’m missing here?

Hi @nlawrence, Welcome to Pix4D Community!

However in, order to regenerate the point cloud, DSM and orthomosiac I have to reprocess the whole project.

Please note that you should not do a full processing after calibrating the cameras. Reprocessing step 1 will erase all the work you have done. After adding the manual tie points, you should only do Reoptimize or Rematch and Optimize, not the full first step.

I hope this information was useful for you.

Please let us know if the issue persists.

Have a very nice day!

Best regards