My project focuses on generating 3D NDVI models from images. I have already generated a point cloud from the multispectral data, but the resulting point cloud appears in grayscale rather than containing separate spectral bands. To create the NDVI 3D model, I need to generate separate Red and Near-Infrared (NIR) point clouds
Hi there, with PIX4Dmapper, you can only generate 2D raster NDVIs.
- Can you describe what type of projects you work on?
- What you need a 3D NDVI for?
- What would be the output you expect, a point cloud? A mesh?
I want to make 3D NDVI point cloud
Hi mahmud,
currently this is not possible with PXI4D software, we are aware of the benefits and hope we can evaluate that in the future, once we got more requests for such a feature. For now this is not planned though.
Thank you for the information. Can I make individual band point cloud with the multispectral data in pix4D like red, blue, green, nir etc band individually or rgb point clouds? please let me know if it is possible