Feature request: Ability change the default view of embedded/shareable 3d map links to mesh instead of point cloud.

Please provide a way to default embedded ortho links to the textured mesh instead of the point cloud- which, in my opinion, would present a more vivid, approachable image to the customer.

The grainy, fractured presentation of a point cloud is not as pleasant or approachable to view from the point of view of a layperson, making the overall presentation of the image less impactful. This comes in to play particularly when using Pix4D embeddable HTML models on one’s web page. Here is a direct comparison:




Please do let me know if I am in error and there is a way to do this that I am not aware of. Thanks!




Hello Joseph,

It’s an interesting point you have here. As you may have seen, we are using the same default view like the one we use on our cloud platform for our embed viewer.

I can’t answer your request directly, but I have shared your point of view with the right persons and we will consider your proposition!

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us!


Is it possible to change the default view for the 3d sharable model. It automatically appears as point cloud. I want it to appear with a 3D mesh and black background. Can i change this setting somehow?

Alice at Pix4D support helped me with this. It is a process but possible. I am doing this from PIxel Cloud.

  1. Open a processed project. Disable the pixel cloud option. Of those two, only the 3D Mesh should be enabled. Everything above that in the display can be enabled.
  2. Choose Download
  3. Choose Export to Pix4D Desktop
  4. The download will be a zip file. Unpack.
  5. Open the directory named for your project. Then open the “2_densification” directory. Then open the “3D Mesh” directory.
  6. You will find three files that you need for the next steps. They are the .mtl, the .obj and the .jpg file that is your project name with the word “texture” ending the filename. Disregard those with numbers after the word texture.
  7. Back in your Pixel workspace, cloud or desktop, create a new DATASET. Name the new Dataset, something like “X project 3D Mesh”. Choose “Upload processed results.” Upload the three files listed in step 6.
    The result is a new project that when shared, choosing embed, it will only feature 3D Mesh and default to that.

Now if anyone knows how to designate an orientation of that dataset, i.e. looking south instead of north when it opens and at a certain distance etc. please let me know.

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We’re also in the same boat of wanting to embed the 3D view in an external web site, but lacking the option to make the mesh view load by default.

It would be very handy if the type of view, along with other options, such as the background color, could be specified in the embed URL. For example, h_t_t_ps://cloud.pix4d.com/embed/bim/mesh/12345?shareToken=abcdef &view=mesh&backgroundColor=ffffff (ignore the underscores and the extra space; I added them to help with the formatting of the URL in the comment form). Omitting these query params would lead to the viewer working as it does now, thus not affecting existing embeds.

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Slightly different process in August of 2022 but I still got it to work. Thanks for your instructions!