Failed to run a step

[2020.03.08 14:18:36][ 34%RAM][ 57%CPU][Info]: >>>Generating mesh geometry<<< done in 11m:50s:331ms / 11.8389 min.
[2020.03.08 14:18:36][ 34%RAM][ 57%CPU][Info]: Mesh created with 10800051 points and 21596999 triangles
[2020.03.08 14:18:36][ 34%RAM][ 57%CPU][Processing]: Substep Dense mesh creation finished.
[2020.03.08 14:18:36][ 34%RAM][ 57%CPU][Processing]: Substep Dense mesh decimation started.
[2020.03.08 14:18:36][ 35%RAM][ 57%CPU][Processing]: Decimating mesh
[2020.03.08 14:22:08][ 33%RAM][ 27%CPU][Info]: 499839 points and 999999 triangles remaining after decimation
[2020.03.08 14:22:08][ 33%RAM][ 27%CPU][Processing]: Substep Dense mesh decimation finished.
[2020.03.08 14:22:08][ 33%RAM][ 27%CPU][Processing]: Substep Dense mesh texture atlas tile started.
[2020.03.08 14:22:08][ 33%RAM][ 27%CPU][Processing]: Generating texture atlas tiles
[2020.03.08 14:22:08][ 33%RAM][ 0%CPU][Processing]: Substep Dense mesh texture coordinates started.
[2020.03.08 14:22:31][ 34%RAM][ 27%CPU][Processing]: Substep Dense mesh texture coordinates finished.
[2020.03.08 14:22:31][ 33%RAM][ 28%CPU][Info]: Generating texture atlas tiles [3/1317] elapsed 23s:030ms …
[2020.03.08 14:22:32][ 33%RAM][ 28%CPU][Error]: Generating texture atlas tiles failed!
[2020.03.08 14:22:32][ 33%RAM][ 28%CPU][Error]: >>>Generating texture atlas tiles<<< failed with error (failed to run a step!)!
[2020.03.08 14:22:32][ 33%RAM][ 28%CPU][Error]: >>>Generating texture atlas tiles<<< failed with error (failed to run a step!)!
[2020.03.08 14:22:32][ 33%RAM][ 28%CPU][Error]: Error e0801: Generating Texture tiles failed.
[2020.03.08 14:22:32][ 33%RAM][ 28%CPU][Processing]: Substep Dense mesh texture atlas tile finished.
[2020.03.08 14:22:32][ 33%RAM][ 28%CPU][Error]: Failed to generate 3D textured mesh
[2020.03.08 14:22:32][ 33%RAM][ 28%CPU][Info]: OS Power Save: Enable
[2020.03.08 14:22:32][ 33%RAM][ 28%CPU][Info]: >>>Step2<<< done in 14h:52m:22s:197ms / 892.37 min.2020-02-20 Gomzovo quarry 2 flight_report.pdf (1.5 MB)

Hi @greenglasscrypto,

Thank you for sending us the details.

Could you tell me what outputs are important for you? I see that you used the default 3DMap template. However, we should adjust the processing options for your needs and hardware capabilities so the processing finishes successfully.

If you need the 3D Textured Mesh I would unselect the Multiscale option, set the Minimum Number of Matches to 2 and reprocess Step 2.


Hi! I expect to get orthophoto of the surface and digital surface model (DEM) for the quarry. Usually I get 2 TIFF files for that. Is it my system (attached) is enougth?

Hi @greenglasscrypto,

Yes, your computer is good! No worries :slight_smile:

Please go to the Processing Options and change the following:

All those settings will speed up the processing and make you generate only the outputs you need.

Hope it helps!

Thanks! This works.

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