Export orthomosaic in wgs84 coordinate system in pix4dmatic


I am doing a test project in pix4dmatic software (not pix4dmapper) having trial license , I am using it for generating the 2D orthomosaic imagery from drone images, these drone images provide enough locational data (lat long), that the generated orthomosaic fits to its actual position, So I dont need the GCPs for higher accuracy,

Now the problem I am facing is that |I cannot export the orthomosaic in wgs84 coordinate system, rather the pix4Dmatic software generates it in the projected coordinates.

So Is there any way that |I can generate/export the orthomosaic imagery in required wgs84 coordinates system.

Moreover, I have transform or converted the pix4dmatic orthomosaic from project into geographic in ArcGIS, QGIS software, they convert the orthomosaic, but Reduces the visual; appearance of the orthomosaic imagery.

Is there any way |I can convert/generate orthomosaic imagery having geographic coordinate system wgs84 without loosing the quality of orthomosaic.

Best Regards


If your project does not contain GCP then the orthomosaic will be exported in the project’s CRS which in that case will default to the corresponding UTM zone based on the position of the image geolocation. The vertical coordinate system is set to ellipsoidal heights

What is your project CRS? You can check it here: