[Error]: Unable to compute radiometric target calibration for Sequoia_4.0_1280x960 (Green): No valid GPS

Hi all,

I put the calibration parameters manually and and I get the following error: 

[Error]: Unable to compute radiometric target calibration for Sequoia_4.0_1280x960 (Green) with D:/Sequoia/campo remolacha 18-5/final/IMG_180519_133013_0000_GRE.TIF: No valid GPS

what can I do to solve the problem?



Hi Enzo,

The error you have received is thrown when the calibration images are not geolocated, and you have opted for sun angle radiometric corrections.

The sun angle correction needs to have teh input of teh location and time to compute the sun position. 

*To better understand the cause of the missing GPS I would recommend you to contact the drone/camera manufacturer depending on which one is writing this information in your case.

