Error GPS

  Several flights flown grid style over selected items. After initial processing the camera angles way off and a distorted image along with error in the report on  camera parameters are off drone in use, Inspire 1 pro. DJI GO app all parameters are normal. Firmware software on all apps and drone up to date.  As I operate the Pix4D Capture app in use. I physically look at the images being captured, all is well as the process moves along.

I also calibrated the compass prior to my last flight. Please give me insight current issue. Thank you. 

Hi Jon,

Did you process:

  • The images on the drone’s SD card or the device?
  • The generated .p4d file or from scratch?

It would probably help to investigate if you send us the quality report of the project and eventually a screenshot of the rayCloud showing the problem of the camera angle and distorted image.
You can share them with us here:
