Error e0502d: Cannot upload project: Some images are in different drives

Dear Pix4d Team!

I got an error message when trying to upload my project to the cloud. We store our images on a RAID storage and do the processing on an SSD, so the project is created in a different drive where the images are stored. I would assume this should not be a problem for upload.

Thanks for your help!

We have a similar error if we want to upload a project which is merged from multiple sub-projects. Potentially containing images with the same name.

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To be able to upload the project you should move the images where the project is stored instead of the external drive. 

The error “some images have the same name” can be explained by the following:

  1. Close the Pix4D project.
  2. Move all images into one single folder so that they are in the same directory. If images have the same name, a pop-up asks if the files should be replaced or not. Click  No to all  so that the images will have a suffix (1), (2), (3), etc. The names will not be the same any more.
  3. Open the Pix4D project. The user is prompted to select the path of the images since it has changed. Browse and select the folder where all images are stored.
  4. Re-upload to the cloud. 

Let me know if you can now upload your project




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I attempted to do what Marili suggested and I still received the “Some images have the same name” error and could not upload the project to the cloud.


Where are stored your images? Did you make sure that they are “close” to your project file.
When moving the images, have they been renamed?
Besides, when you opened your project, did you get the message asking for the path of your images directory?
