I am looking for some clarification on the feasibility of multiple people (3) using the “Edit and Save” link at the same time while creating annotations on the same project.
I created a project and provided a link to customer ( Edit & Save Link). Customer is working on the project via the link, I am also working on the same project under my license. Customer states that annotation data they have saved at the end of the day is not there the next morning. Customer is a first time Pix4D user but has been using it successfully for the past week. I’m working to see if there is a data issue with cloud or if its operator error.
- Can more than one person access the link and work on the same project at the same time?
- Will an update/save from person 1 overwrite the work of person 2?
- If both the Pix4d cloud license holder and the link user are working on the project at the same time, will saving by the license holder overwrite the data created by the link holder?
Thanks for your input.
Hi @lagunadrones
Welcome to Pix4D Technical Support.
- Can more than one person access the link and work on the same project at the same time?
Yes, this is possible and also the intention of the share link, to have several collaborators working on the same project.
- Will an update/save from person 1 overwrite the work of person 2?
Well if person 2 creates an annotation (a volume) and then person 1 moves the points modifying the base (base shape) of the annotation these changes will be saved.
- If both the Pix4d cloud license holder and the link user are working on the project at the same time, will saving by the license holder overwrite the data created by the link holder?
No, the collaborator’s changes will not be overwritten.
The save of the annotations can take a few seconds, since a double save is made in the system. If the project link is closed before these changes are saved, the annotations may be lost. Always check in the bottom bar it says all changes saved.
If you think there has been a problem that the annotations are not being saved as they should, please write us a support ticket and we can verify if there has been any problem in this regard.
Have a very nice day!
Best regards