Having just completed mapping a local heritage centre, I was hoping that by sharing the project link (https://cloud.pix4d.com/pro/project/111101?shareToken=d2e909a067a84c7b8ffe83430e037936), I would be able to get the client to complete some of the annotations.
However, it appears that only logged in users can annotate the map…would I be right? Is there a way of enabling external users to record and save their annotations? There should be ((::
Please let me know thanks.
Also, is there no way of adjusting Pix4D Cloud processing options or indeed downloading / viewing the point cloud?
All the best,
Hi Paul,
When using the Share link the 3D Model and Map visualization (based on the valid solution) together with the annotations will be shared. The annotations can be modified in the external link, but the changes will not be saved. Additionally, at the moment the original images and the output files will not be available to download when project is shared. However, thank you for the suggestion, we will pass it to our development team.
Please note, that you can also upload the files on the cloud using Pix4D Desktop. For more information: https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/202558589. If you choose to use Pix4D Desktop upload, processing settings set in Pix4D Desktop will be used for processing on the cloud instead of standard templates. This is useful for advanced processing.
The input images and outputs (complete set or specific files) can be downloaded directly from Pix4D Cloud. If the project is too big, Pix4D software generates many point cloud files, then these files cannot be handled on the cloud and this is why this option is not available for download. However, the point cloud files can be downloaded using the option “Export to Pix4D Desktop (.ZIP)” following https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000707003.
Hope it helps,