Edit Point Cloud

Hello. Using Pix4dCloud, I would like to edit the results of the point cloud to delete sensitive site information before I share the results (I would like to delete buildings, or to make these not visible in the shared results). Is this possible on Pix4dCloud?

I also own Pix4dMatic - if I cannot delete or omit the buildings from being shown on Pix4dCloud, then is there a way to do this with Pix4dMatic and Pix4dCloud?

Hi @waysandmeans, thanks for asking.

Yes, it is possible to delete sensitive site information before you share your results.

In an ideal world, when you edit a point cloud and then upload it to PIX4Dcloud with PIX4Dmatic’s Share to PIX4Dcloud, the changes you made to the point cloud would be apparent when you open the newly created PIX4Dcloud dataset. Unfortunately, that is not the case today.

However, you can still use PIX4Dmatic and PIX4Dcloud to share an edited point cloud of a site with sensitive information.

To do so:

  1. Upload to PIX4Dcloud with PIX4Dmatic’s Share to PIX4Dcloud everything you want to share, except for the edited point cloud.
  2. Export an LAS/LAZ copy of the point cloud from PIX4Dmatic.
  3. Go to https://cloud.pix4d.com/drive.
  4. Open the newly created PIX4Dcloud dataset.
  5. Under Files, upload the LAS/LAZ copy of the edited point cloud.