Edit Point Cloud in Matic

Hey @Mike_K,

The problem with a TIN is the resolution isn’t the same. A DSM uses the GSD (usually around 3.2cm for me) whereas a TIN uses the Grid of Points (which I can only get down to .7m grid spacing) resulting in a lower resolution surface.

Here’s a rough screenshot of the difference I can see.

For anyone facing the same issue, here is the workflow I have come up with for the time being.

  1. Calibrate, Densify, Generate DSM and Ortho in Pix4D Matic
  2. Terrain Filter in Pix4D Survey
  3. Export Filtered Point Cloud from Pix4D Survey
  4. Convert las 1.4 file to 1.2 with las2las.exe
  5. Import Photos into Pix4D Mapper and run step 1
  6. Open las 1.2 file in Pix4D Mapper
  7. Generate DSM from imported file
  8. Create XYZ tiles in QGIS from Orthomosaic
  9. Draw Polygons in Pix4D Survey
  10. Export Polygons as .shp file
  11. Use Split Vector Layer (QGIS) for Polygons: Vector > Data Management Tools > Split Vector Layer…
  12. Import DSM and .shp files into QGIS
  13. Extract Rasters from mask layer
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