I have picked the option to export a DXF file DTM contours from Pix4dmapper in processing option 3. When I looked at the DXF file output the top of the building and shrubs have contours. So I then deleted areas in the point cloud in the top right corner for my clients data within Pix4dmapper and rerun process 3.
The area is a light industrial area with lots of structures. I have attached a image of the area with the contours overlayed. In the top right corner the contours of the image the contours are correct after I deleted the areas over the building and shrubs no contours on top of the buildings. In other areas contours are the top of the buildings.
Would someone please explain why this is happening and if it is a problem with the processing in Pix4dmapper?
Correct me if I am wrong but a DTM should only export contours for the ground surface???
Please look at the screen shot of the DTM from Pix4dmapper, the top of the buildings are red.
Screen capture below of the settings for my contours output in process 3.
Screen shot of the area were i deleted the points cloud so I could get the correct DTM contours…