Determine Height of Obstacles in Field

In Pix4Dfields is there a means of determining the height of various items in a field (trees, windmills, towers, etc.)? It would be nice to know this for setting RTH and connection route altitudes.

Yes you need to use the DSM layer ,there you can place points and you will see the height of the objects ,it works better with the DSM from the Accurate Processing option.

The height of the dsm is the height above the EGM96 Geoid or the Wgs84 elipsoid depending on the drone and if you fly with or without RTK.

So you need to place also a point at your drone take of location and subtract that value from the other values to get the AGL height you need for RTH. But please be careful and double check !

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Thank you @Julius_Petri. That is exactly what I was looking for.

Sorry to hijack this thread, but I have a relevant question; is there a way to define and remove layers on the ortho, and then run an index on the required layer?
For example; I only want to see values for plants that are 1m or over in height. By creating a layer of ‘things’ below 1m, I can completely remove them from the orthomosaic and when I run a vegetation index, all of the not-required vegetation is removed and it will not effect the index values. I know I would need to use the DSM as a starting point!


if your field is flat, you can use thresholding via the histogram and then select the visible parts of the DSM with the Magic Tool. The annotation from the MagicTool could then be used to trim your index layer.

If you field is sloped you would need a baseline elevation to subtract from the DSM, that can only be done outside of PIX4Dfields with QGIS for now.

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As a further question is it possible to export the DSM layer as a single band file?

Yes if you export via Export (Top Right) → Layers and Select .data.tif

Appericiate that, but doesn’t that still export all the bands?

Not if you select the DSM layer to be exported. This will be a single band geotiff.