Hi all,
I’m facing a problem with the creation and exportation of NDVI Operation maps. The system creates squares that are partially outside the boundary of the field. This creates a problem when I try to load the prescription on Trimble AG. Trimble doesn’t allow me to load prescriptions that have too much data outside the boundary of the field. Is there any way to cut the operation map with the boundary of the field?
I will also contact Trimble to see if there can be a way to solve the issue from their side.
Thanks a lot for your time.
Can you clarify which format you are trying to export, shapefile or Isoxml?
Can you show us this shapefile ? Because when you export an operation as shapefile in Pix4dfields we cut it with boundary .
Hi Julius,
Thanks for your answer. I did a quick check before answering you and I guess I will have to ask Trimble what is the issue.
So the following one is the file I’m not able to load:
Piacentina 09-05-24_Rx.dbf (1.2 KB)
Piacentina 09-05-24_Rx.prj (145 Bytes)
Piacentina 09-05-24_Rx.shp (34.2 KB)
Piacentina 09-05-24_Rx.shx (140 Bytes)
This one is the one I am able to load (I removed some of the squares that were close to the boundary:
Piacentina 09-05-24_Rx.dbf (1.2 KB)
Piacentina 09-05-24_Rx.prj (145 Bytes)
Piacentina 09-05-24_Rx.shp (32.9 KB)
Piacentina 09-05-24_Rx.shx (140 Bytes)
To give you all the details the following one is the boundary of the field loaded on Trimble AG.
Piacentina_Field_Extent.dbf (594 Bytes)
Piacentina_Field_Extent.prj (143 Bytes)
Piacentina_Field_Extent.shp (1012 Bytes)
Piacentina_Field_Extent.shx (108 Bytes)
The thing is, I checked and both prescriptions have a part that is outside the field boundary, but I am able to load only the “more cutted one”.
I guess that the issue is from Trimble side.
But if you have any idea on how to handle it, please let me know.
Thanks a lot for your time.