Hello, I have a question about system iOS. Is it necessary to install Ctrl+DJI , Thanks.
Hi Percy,
Ctrl+DJI is required for the Android version of Pix4Dcapture. Pix4Dcapture for iOS does not require Ctrl+DJI. You can start flying with Pix4Dcapture for iOS without installing any other mobile applications.
Please ensure that your drone, camera, battery, controller, and phone all have the latest firmware of operating system before you start flying.
Thanks, Andrew
Unfortunatelly without Ctrl+DJI Pix4d cannot load KML/KMZ in iOS.
@GEOENGINEERING, at the moment the .kml/.kmz import feature is only available on the Android version.
There is already a dedicated post with this feature request for iOS here: How to import an area of interest polygon in the Pix4DCapture app IOS version?. Make sure to follow the post in order to get the latest updates about the .kml/kmz feature on iOS.