Creating multiple meshes at the same time

I would really like the option that he talks about in this video, an option to export multiple meshes with high resolution as possible.
The ideal setting would be that you first chose what resolution you want on the texture, then the program automatically calculates and divide the project into the number of 3d meshes you need to have to utilize the average GSD from the pictures, so you get meshes with the best optimal resolution as possible.

I create a lot of visualization that use FBX models with 32*32K resolution and I want as high texture as possible. My current workflow is to make one project, then divide the pointcloud into multiple groups, save each group as an own project, then disable all the other point in each group, and create multiple meshes that way. It takes a lot of space, and its time consuming, and also I won’t utilize the GSD as I don’t know how small I need to make each FBX.

Here is the video, recorded in 2015

Hi @asrer_waer,

Thank you for reaching out. Would it be possible that you point me to the exact time in the video where the option about exporting multiple meshes is mentioned? This will help me better understand the question.


The video I posted starts where he talks about it 32:25

I had a look, and the feature mentioned in the video is not implemented yet. So the same workaround should be applied - use smaller processing areas to generate individual meshes of smaller areas. Smaller areas will typically have a higher level of detail.

Thank you for adding this request here again so also others can commend and up vote.


I vote for smaller areas. So that user can import more feature in one shp - more processing areas and then process separately in smaller pieces.

What’s the chance of this getting implemented? I never seen a suggestion on this forum being followed up

Hi, we are looking into way of how to introduce multiple processing areas in PIX4Dmatic projects. At first we will start by introducing one processing area and then continue by adding the support for multiple areas.

There is no current plan to add this feature to PIX4Dmapper.


SLPK is limited to number of faces. So the splitting into more processing areas would be very helpful. Now I need to do it manually…

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One year is gone since this request, we are still using the same process to make multiple 3D meshes to get the quality of our visualization better. Its very time consuming and takes a LOT of disk space (until I can delete the projects and only save the 3D mesh FBX files). Should not be difficult to implement this, it could be as easy as being able to set what point groups to be made as 3D mesh. Then I can manually divide the project up in several pointgroups and export multiple 3D meshes instead of copying the whole project multiple times.