Creating custom index to remove soil and residue from rgb map

Trying to learn how to create a custom index for fast identifying green weeds in after harvest applications. Wanting to learn how to create a custom index to just put in to remove soil and reside from harvest just to target green weeds. While trying to do it with rgb only for mapping speed.

Here is the perfect video for you

Thanks you for a quick response. Watched the video on numerous occasions. Trying to streamline the system and was trying to work out how to make a custom index to do the same once I have numbers dialed in. Every time I try the custom index function even copying in others formulas they have errors. Trying to learn an upgrade the functionality.

What custom index are you looking for, with RGB you dont have much choice. Easiest is to use TGI or VARI and threshold with the histogram tool.

Sorry my terminology’s weren’t exactly correct. Only using rgb camera. So either tgi or vari or both. Just trying to eliminate background noise from the green weeds.