Create a DTM in Pix4Dmatic

How can I obtain DTM using DSM generate by PIX4D MATIC


At the moment, Pix4Dmatic produces a DSM and an orthomosaic. Extracting a DTM is not directly possible in Pix4Dmatic but you can use Pix4Dsurvey in order to extract only the ground points.

To give you some more insights, the point cloud that is generated in Pix4Dmatic can be exported into Pix4Dsurvey. Pix4Dsurvey has a Terrain filter function that allows users to filter points to get only terrain and non-terrain points . This way you will get points that represent the DTM.

Additionally, Pix4Dsurvey has a Grid of points tool that helps to automate the creation of spot elevations and allow drastic simplification of the number of point cloud points.

I hope this helps and let us now if you have any other questions.


Hola, soy nuevo en este tema, me gustaría saber si en pix4d matic se hace el procesamiento de imágenes igual que en pix4d mapper, es decir, si los pasos son los mismos?
¿Y qué diferencias hay entre los dos softwares?
¿Se podría generar DTM en otro software GIS a través de Pix4d matic?

Hello, I am new to this topic, I would like to know if the image processing is done in pix4d matic the same as in pix4d mapper, that is, if the steps are the same?
And what differences are there between the two softwares?
Could DTM be generated in other GIS software via Pix4d matic?

@ricardocubides the steps are similar between the two software (calibration, densification, etc…) but the algorithms that are used to create them are different. PIX4Dmatic is able to process more images, in less time with the same level of accuracy as PIX4Dmapper. You can find more information about the differences in our FAQ:

As for the DTM, you can use PIX4Dsurvey to create a terrain model of your project, but of course you can also export your results from PIX4Dmatic and import them in the software of your choice.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you try it out.