With the "Cloud advanced " release, the “compare” function is no longer visible for people who got the share link.
I can still see it as a logged in user, but the shared link does not show this feature anymore?
With the "Cloud advanced " release, the “compare” function is no longer visible for people who got the share link.
I can still see it as a logged in user, but the shared link does not show this feature anymore?
Still no difference. I can see the compare function logged in, but the shared link (view and measure or edit and save) does not…
I can reproduce your issue only for datasets that belong to sites that have one single dataset. Is it your case as well? Could you send me the ID of the project where you have this behavior (you can find it in the URL)?
Would you expect to be able to compare a dataset with itself?
Example: site 61395 (multiple datasets)
Compare function is available as logged in administrator, but not within the shared links.
Thanks for the example. It seems like the behavior is not the same as on the previous app. We’ll fix this asap. Thank you for submitting your feedback!
Notice that in the meantime you can first enter the Compare mode and then click Share. In this way, you can directly share the Compare mode with the datasets you defined and the collaborator will be able to select other datasets for the comparison.
From the Share link, you can also replace “map” with “compare” and it will let the user choose the second dataset from the calendar
Thanks for the workaround. I will let the users know and please inform me if the issue has been solved.
Hi @drone4,
The Compare mode should be accessible from sharing links now