Is possible to create CIR map in Pix4Dmapper or Pix4Dfields based on Altum camera photos? Thanks.
Hi Grzegorz Durlo,
Currently, we do not have CIR map into the list of indices of Pix4Dfields and Pix4Dmapper. You can produce it in QGIS which is a free software by making a composite of the NIR, red and green after generating the single band reflectance maps from Pix4Dmapper/fields
In Pix4Dfields, we do support Altum cameras, though, do not forget to check the camera model, lens model and focal length of your camera. In this particular case , I looked it up and the same Altum cameras that Pix4Dmapper supports are supported by Pix4Dfields. All registered cameras and each camera’s parameters in the Pix4Dmapper camera database are registered in the icmdb.xml file located in the Pix4Dmapper installation folder. You can follow the instructions of this link.
moi j’utilise la caméra sequoia. Après avoir produit l’orthomosaïque dans pix4Dfields, je l’exporte dans QGIS et j’utilise les bandes suivantes dans les paramètres
B1: Bande 4 - Proche infra rouge
B2: Bande 2 - Rouge
B3: Bande 1 - Vert
Salut fernanda
quelles sont les bandes que vous utilisez avec le capteur altum dans QGIS?
Altum also has the Red, Green, and NIR bands so you can use them as well.