Capture not working

I have a galaxy s21 which is not working with pix4dcapture. control + dji plug in seems to be the culprit? anyone have ideas how i can get around this issue. im flying a dji inspire 1. any help or suggestions?

Hi Arturo,

Welcome to Pix4D Community!
If you are having a connection issue between your app/device and the drone, I recommend going through this article.
Drone connection issues - PIX4Dcapture
I also found someone who might have a similar problem using inspire 1. Feel free to take a look at this thread.
Connecting to Inspire 1 with Capture app (Beta version)
Feel free to describe a little more when you meant “not working with pix4dcapture.” for us and other users to be able to provide more help if you still need it. :slight_smile:
