Cant buy licence

Have used pix4D a bit now, and normally we just buy a month licence when we have a project that requires it, never had any issues.

Have benn trying for the last few hours to buy a licence but just keep getting the error they cant process the request due to technical difficulties… Very frustrating, and cant get a reply for a while as their office hours say they are closed.

Any suggestions as to what can happen when people have licence problems.

We have tried as an interim measure to get someone else within the company to sign up with a trial licence so we can get the work done that was promised to a client today, but using the new login, we dont seem to be getting the trial licence available just gives us the discovery licence option.

Someone please help…



Hi Brenton,

I am really sorry about the bad timing you got. Our current payment server was down today and hence many payments failed.
I talked with our Sales Department and they should get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Sorry for the inconvenience

I’m selling my license with a little but important discount

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get contact with me I am student.

Hello, feel free to contact our Sales team to know more about our educational offering.