Better handling of edge artifacts

Pix4d is a very good software, but i cant see that it has improved or developed much in years.

Point cloud generation and mesh generation is pretty decent on surfaces and organic shapes, but still struggles greatly on edges creating buckled shapes and artefacts above edges.
Maybe its time to adress this ?

Hi @Martin_Ruud,

Thank you for the feedback!

Would it be possible for you to share the dataset with us in which you noticed a related problem?
I’d be very happy to look into it.

Let me know what you think.

Here is the OneDrive link in case you like the idea.


The project I am working on has a no photography policy so I probably shouldn’t send the data to external parties, but I did grab a screenshot of the mesh (point cloud is similar) to illustrate what artefacts I mean.

These artefacts are quite common around sharp edges in my experience so I would be surprised if you are not already familiar with the issue.

Not sure why this happens, there is nothing physically there so it must be some limitation with the point cloud algorithm. The point cloud is usually very good at organic shapes, not so much with smaller details and edges.

Another bug near edges happen in orthofotos near sharp edges and especially overhanging structures of roofs where it tries to use the dsm for surfaces in both elevations and fails at both.
Maybe some edge detection algorithm to make lines sharper ?

Med vennlig hilsen

With best regards

Ola Magne Ruud

Landmåler / Stikningsingeniør

Surveyor / geomatics engineer

Tlf 91396504

Landmåler Ruud as Du kan også nå oss gjennom vår felles postkasse

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Hi Martin,

We truly value the feedback from somebody like you who has been part of Pix4D for some years already and always shares an honest opinion with us. I will make sure that it will reach out to the proper people in our company. To keep the openness, I have to say that our teams are aware of where the current algorithms are efficient, and where they are not. They are working hard on improvements testing thousands of images for future enhancements. In the latest preview of Pix4Dmapper 4.5.3, we decided to upgrade filtering of dense point cloud for oblique projects. We would be happy to know your opinion about whether you noticed a difference in your projects. More is yet to come. However, as we know, those things won’t change overnight, and they take some time. I asked for the dataset because very often by readjusting the processing option we can eliminate the bugs that can occur later. Everything depends on the dataset. But with the Support team is always good to try.

Thank you once again.


I understand that things take time to implement, but I must add that I do have concerns about your priorities and active development of the software. As I have noted with several software packages I use daily there seems to be an amazing effort into making innovative and user friendly software before release but after a short while any real development and innovation crawls to almost a standstill and is mostly left to bugfixing while still charging a pretty sum yearly to use the now slowly outdating software.
I can’t help but think that pix4d has followed the same pattern since I started using it. It is still good and I use it daily, but I have become more careful in my recommendations to others and keep a close eye on alternatives.
Several good suggestions from the user community have been dormant in your forums for years with no hints of it ever reaching the software.

I get that its good for shareholders to milk the software for profits now that is has become popular, but in my mind it is short sighted with continuous development based on user input is the best way to make the software popular and relevant for years. If you want to be included in defining the business standard for aerial photogrammetry in the years and decades to come I suggest you start implementing some actual new and useful features :blush:

Med vennlig hilsen

With best regards

Ola Magne Ruud

Landmåler / Stikningsingeniør

Surveyor / geomatics engineer

Tlf 91396504

Landmåler Ruud as Du kan også nå oss gjennom vår felles postkasse


Hi Martin,

Thank you for the follow-up.

As I mentioned before, your feedback as any other is going to be registered and shared among our teams. We never neglect any customer opinion. The opposite, we value it highly. We take it, consider it and try to do it better than we initially were asked for. Certainly, the future will define our efforts. :slight_smile:

You are always welcome to share your opinion and expertise with us.
Let’s stay in touch.

Best regards

Very nice shots. Continue to celebrate the photography