Best settings for agricultural flights

In several of my agricultural flights I am having problems with several images being ignored, presenting holes in the middle of the orthomosaic and the like.

I tried to contact support, but it didn’t work out so I would like help from the community :slight_smile:

I think that maybe it could be a problem with my clients’ flight, be it of height, speed, percentage of overlap …

Would you have recommendations for the flight? How do you usually configure the drone and what are the best practices for this type of flight (agriculture)

Example 1

Hi, The best practice is having at least 85% frontal and side overlap. The flight height should be more (60 m is good). A good flight plan ensures a good output. Can you also try processing with 1/2 image scale for step 1? It would be good to take a look at the quality report.

More than 60 m. The higher you fly, it is better for photogrammetry. But again, the GSD will increase (resolution reduced). Also, if there are tall trees/forest, you need to consider the height of the trees.