Autologout when exiting program

It would be great to have automatic logout from Pix4Dmapper when we shut down the PC or exiting the program. Especially in the Corona-verse.

This would make us be able to continue work from another PC at another location whitout fuss.
It’s a pain to have to return to my workplace and start up the pc, start Pix4Dmapper, log out from Pix4Dmapper, because I did not remember to log out from the program before I left work. Equally painfull the other way around.

As it is now, the licence stay active at the PC it was last used on, regardless of the time passed since it was last used.

Hi @ole,

I can set the device expiration to 1 day. This means that if you want to use PIX4Dmapper you will have to log in every day. Would you like me to set it to 1 day?If yes let me know also for which license key.


Thanks for the answer, but I don’t think this is what I’m looking for.
How does this affect a PC that has the licence activated and pix4d running, and the job takes more than 24 hours?
Also, is this the way you measure 1 day? Is it from startup (licence activated) and 24 hours? Or does it change at midnight local time? Or maybe GMT?


The 1 day is measured from the minute the license gets activated and then it is logged in for the next 24 hours.

Please note that you can deactivate your devices from your license management panel page.
First though you need to follow instructions from this article: How to remotely deactivate a device activated with your PIX4Dmapper license.
After doing all the steps described in the article you can remotely deactivate a computer, go to your license management panel and click Deactivate REMOVE.png.


Thanks for the answer.
How does this affect a PC that has the licence activated and pix4d running, and the job takes more than 24 hours?


To be honest, I have not tested that yet, that is why I suggested to you to enable the functionality for remote computer deactivation. I believe it is something more suitable for your case.
