Anafi - App closes when loading a mission

I can’t open a mission when connected to the parrot anafi USA. I can open a mission if the controller is not connected, but the app closes as soon as I try to open one if I am connected to the aircraft.

I am running an Android Galaxy Tab A SM-T290 tablet and a Parrot SkyController. I am using Pix4DCapture Pro 1.3.0.

Any suggestions on this issue?

Hi @sm.fs.gtac_uas,

Welcome to the Pix4D Community :handshake:.

As mentioned in the personal support ticket, we will need the log file to investigate the issue.

Please follow this procedure to export/send the logs:


had the same problem the first time I used Capture Pro.
I used a workaround by opening the mission BEFORE switching on the drone, and then things run ok. But I don’t think it should be like that.
Also I got a brief red message stating both drone and controller were critically low on battery, which was not true. I decided to fly anyway, and the levels I could read on the screen were ok.
Finally… please, reintroduce automatic return home at the end of the mission. :slight_smile:

I already sent the logs, hope it helps.

Joao Pedro

Hi @jppina

Welcome to the Pix4D Community :handshake:

Are you also using an Anafi USA drone?

Hi Danielle,

sorry for the delay in answering you.

No, I am not using Anafi USA, only Anafi Thermal.


João Pedro

Hello again Daniele,

I was looking again to the missions flight information , and I remarked that the drone that is registered as having flown the mission is Anafi USA, but actually it was an Anafi Thermal.

When I open Capture Pro, the drone that appears by default is always Anafi USA, and I have to change it every time to Anafi Thermal.

Maybe what could have happened was that, when the app closed when loading the mission and I opened it again, the drone selected changed back to Anafi USA and I didn’t spot it.

Hope this information can be of some help to you.

Is there any way to permanently save Anafi Thermal as the default drone, instead of Anafi USA?


João Pedro

Hi João @jppina,

Thank you for the additional information.

It looks like something is not working well on the SDK, but we are not sure why.

Please make sure that everything is up to date (drone, controller, phone, app). If it’s possible, reinstall the latest firmware on the drone. Also, check with the latest PIX4Dcapture Pro release and hope it gets fixed.

Let me know how it goes.

Hi Daniele

Thank’s for the reply.

I think everything was updated, anyway I’ll check again - double check can’t do any harm :wink:

I’ll let you know how it goes.


Joao Pedro