Altus Drone Camera

Hi all, we will soon be getting into drone surveying and are currently planning on purchasing an Altusdrone. This comes with a Sony A5100 camera, and I am just wanting to get an impression of how good the camera will be for high accuracy (5-10mm, control placed by robotic total station) surveying compared to a Sony A7 II (Same 24MP, but larger sensor). The reason I was initially looking at the A7 II was the sensor size.

We can change the camera we want to come with the drone should we want too.

I was told that the sensor wont have too much impact, rather a quality lens will provide the best results.

The type of work at this stage will be road topo surveys, so narrow corridor work, likely flown at around 25m. I was also thinking a larger focal length, rather than a wide angle lens. My thinking there is less information on the sensor, therefore better detail in the corridor. Wider will be better for the larger surveys obviously.

I have had no experience with aerial surveying yet, and have been learning a lot form the forum.

Thanks in advance.


Hi Jed

A friend has conducted a road survey a few weeks ago, initial results look promising. Imagery was captured with A7R and fixed wing UAS then processed in Agisoft. Processing professional GPC marks over one mile corridor scan. Output clouds were given to the survey company for final processing and compared to previously captured LIDAR data.

Let us know which sensor you decide to go with and what your thoughts on results are if possible.