Altum-PT multiple resolution output

The Altum-PT has 7 bands. The panchromatic channel has better resolution than the other channels, while the LWIR (Thermal) channel has poorer resolution. When processing all images from all bands together in pix4D, the generated mosaics all have the same resolution. Is there a way to generate the higher resolution pan product or the lower res thermal product, other than by creating a separate project to process images from these channels in isolation? (which won’t perform as well as when they’re together, especially the thermal band)

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Hi scrawford,
PIX4Dmapper does not support pansharpening with the use of the Altum-PT. However, I suggest trying PIX4Dfields. Fields does support pansharpening which can improve the resolution of the other bands.

Hi scrawford,
Have you been able to process the panchromatic imagery separately? When I disable some bands of images (just keeping the panchromatic enabled), the software gives me an error: Error e0204a: Too many missing images leading to incomplete captures.
So I’m not able to get the panchromatic reflectance mosaic at its higher resolution.