Alignment of an internal and external building failed

Hi, I am trying to digitize the gate of a city’s walls in one process. My attempts to align the photos have failed, I can not align the facades with the inside. Do you have any modification suggestions in the parameters I used? Thank you

Salve, sto cercando di digitalizzare la porta delle mura di una città in un unico processo. I miei tentativi di allineare le foto sono falliti, non riesco ad allineare le facciate con l’interno. Avete qualche suggerimento di modifica nei parametri che ho usato?


This is the result of my first alignment attempt. I used 943 photos in total. As you can see, the junction between the inside and the outside is not correct. There is also a lot of noise.

Questo è il risultato del mio primo tentativo di allineamento. Ho usato 943 foto in totale. Come si può vedere la giunzione tra la parte interna e esterna non risulta corretta. E’ presente anche molto rumore.

Hi Charles, 

I’m not sure to understand what you mean by alignment problem. I checked the place on Google Maps and it seems to look similar to your model. Can you please clarify what you mean? 

Have you tried running the project with the 3D Models processing options template before modifying the options? How did the results look like? 

For the image acquisition plan, I would not recommend to take many images at the same spot, but to move between each image. This should help to reduce the noise in your point cloud.

Let us know!