After process 3D model, how I show product to my clients.

To whom it may concern,

We processed real estate project such as building with pix4d mapper. Our client is building inspector. The problem is we have to show 3D model of building to them, which they cannot inspect the small problem such as small crack. We solve this problem with Orthoplane tool and produce Orthophoto of those small issue for them.


My question is how to we show 3D model to them and also show Orthophoto of some facades that have an issue.


We have try to upload whole project to pix4d cloud service, but it doesn’t work much. Can you suggest any solution for that? Otherwise, we must export 3D model to .OBJ format then our inspector can open it through any 3D software, however there are Orthophoto of selected facades from 3D which need another such as QGIS to open. You can see it not the way it has to be.


Best regards,

Thamma Varangoon



Hi Thamma, 

The best option would be using the Virtual Inspector tool that is available with the Pix4D cloud web platform. You can mark those crack portions save it and forward to your client by sharing the project. They can then inspect and see the individual images associated with the crack. To learn about it go through our support article on What is the Virtual Inspector?