I want to add GCPs to multispectral map. After importing coordinates of GCPs, no image is visible in the Basic Editor section. It can not open any images and I can not mark any GCPs on the images.
After processing step 1 you will be able to mark the images and reoptimize.
I did, but still can not mark the images
Hello @shirin.mohammadi, If the images are not available on rayCloud, you can mark them using the Basic Editor. For more information, visit:
yes I know how to work with Basic Editor, but my problem is that no image is showed in this part,
I get this error:
[Error]: ImageViewer: failed to open image <C:/Users/shimoham/OneDrive - Norwegian University of Life Sciences/Documents/PhD NMBU/Faba bean/2022/drones/MS20-09-06-2022/1_initial/project_data/normalised/DJI_1193.jpg>!
Hi Shirin,
Some of our users have recently experienced some issues processing with PIX4Dmapper when a OneDrive account is connected.
Could you please save the project on some local drive that is not connected to OneDrive and reprocess the project?
Please let us know if this recommendation has worked.
Have a very nice day.
Best regards