Accessing Project

I Cannot access view and access my project. Can anyone assist me with this?

Dear Warren,

Can you give us some more information regarding the issue you are mentioning?  

You cannot access the project in Pix4Dmapper or the one that was processed at Pix4DCloud?


Best Regards, 

I processed a project twice and then went into the Recent Project settings to Access it but could not find it. when I attempt to process it again I get a message saying it already exists but I cannot find it


Hi Warren,

If the software is asking for the images when trying to load the project, you should browse and indicate the path where they are stored. Do you remember changing the location of the images? Or are you not able to find back the project?


I have moved all my images including the project folder as recommended in the “how to move” but when i open the project it is asking me to point to the path of the images one at a time. Is there a way to have the path changed for all the images at one time (they are all in the same folder) rather than doing it one at a time for about 1000 images. I have atleast 45 different projects which i moved and do not want to do it for every single image in every project. Any help is highly appreciated.

Hi dbhatt,
You should be able to select a folder which contains all of the images. Are you not seeing this option?

I do see it and I am selecting that option but the software is making me do that for every single image in the project which is highly time consuming. I was trying to find a project file where i could go in and manually change the path of the images before I open up the project but I cannot find that either.

  • Dhruv

Hello Mike, I was able to get it sorted out by moving the folders to yet another location and everything worked fine. For some reason it did not work in that one network location I had them copied to.