3d model without geotagged images, problems with initial processing


I have seen in the Pix4D forums that it is possible to create a 3D model with images that are not geotagged. In order to do that it is necessary to orient and scale the point cloud. However with the dataset I have, I cannot generate either the point cloud nor the initial report. Is it because of the overlap or the quality of the images I have? They were captured from the ground with a Osmo Pocket camera, and we were photographing trees. Is there any solution so I can reconstruct my trees?

Thanks in advance

Hi @cprendes,

Pix4Dmapper reads the EXIF associated with each image even if the cameras is not integrated in our data base.
You can also edit it yourself:



Then I don’t know if your data set is good enough for good reconstruction. We would need to have a look on it to say so.
