360 degree chimney photo stitching

I’ve attached several GoPro’s (circular) to a crane hook –> (Example see here)

I let this unit drive into the chimney and take photos constantly. The chimney inner wall is scanned on the photos (with the necessary overlap).

Now to my question:

Does anyone know a software with which you can put together the created photos and create a kind of virtual tour through the chimney. A pointcloud can be calculated with the photos, but the quality of the mesh is too bad. So I’m looking for a stitching software that preserves the quality of the original photo.

Would be very grateful for a help!

Thank you!




What kind of functionality in the virtual tour? Visual only? 


Something like Panotour Pro may work, but it’ll use created panoramas for the tour and not a point cloud model. 

I would think that your best bet would be to create 2 or 4 orthoplanes from inside the chimney.  Haven’t tried something like this before, though.  Curious to hear what you came up with?